Folder Icon Set is a collection of royalty-free stock icons for use in commercial and personal products, including software applications, websites, blogs, and presentations. Your operation system will look more attractive with Folder Icon Set also. Maintain your website perfectly with our stock folder icons!
These icons are delivered in sizes 16x16, 24x24, 32x32, 48x48, 128x128 and 256x256. The icons come in two color variants: 256 colors and True Color with semi-transparency. They also have several file formats, such as ICO, PNG, GIF and BMP.
Folder Icon Set
 Open |
 Folder |
 Open folder |
 Find in folder |
 Search |
 Money |
 FAQ |
 Music |
 Users |
 Shared folder |
 Favourites |
 Books |
 No entry |
 Photos |
 Mail |
 CD |
 Images |
 Internet |
 LCD |
 Open files |
 Locked |
 Football |
 Palm |
 Clock |
 Floppy |
 Films |
 Fonts |
 Bomb |
 Hot files |
 Games |
 Weather |
 Folder v2 |
 Search v2 |
 Shared v2 |
 Money v2 |
 Music v2 |
 Users v2 |
 Locked v2 |
 Question v2 |
 Internet v2 |
 Favorites v2 |
 Fonts v2 |
 Films v2 |
 Books v2 |
 Lists v2 |
 Mail v2 |
 Death v2 |
 Mp3 v2 |
 Folder v3 |
 Open folder v3 |
 Open files v3 |
 Search v3 |
 Video v3 |
 Users v3 |
 Binoculars v3 |
 Fonts v3 |
 User allert v3 |
 Folder v4 |
 Search v4 |
 Shared v4 |
 Books v4 |
 Favorites v4 |
 Users v4 |
 Images v4 |
 Music v4 |
 Money v4 |
 Locked v4 |
 Question v4 |
Download demo icons
Purchase this icon set for $49.00 now!
You can also buy individual icons to suit your needs. Each icon is $1 when purchased individually. Please contact us with the icon names you wish to purchase and we will process your order immediately. (Note: Minimum purchase is 2 icons.)
All of the icons above are available in the following image formats:
Folder Icons - Example
Folder Icons - Maintain Website Perfectly
The age of the Internet is offering wonderful opportunities to people those are addicted to color icon. If you browse the Internet for icon folder, you can find lots of websites those are running successfully and offering groundbreaking results. Well, designing a website with save icon is not easy, lots of serious tactics are implemented to make the site looking great with file icon. If you are a web developer and finding out ways to maintain a website, then you must need folder icons.
Body: It is really crucial to preserve icon images and other important data in a safe mode. For this, icon folder offers lots of importance and can give you lots of results. Folder icons are basically used for personal and commercial products for presentation, blogs, and websites. Definitely, your system will offer a dashing look with color icon. You can get icon folder in various sizes and designs like 16x16, 24x24, 32x32, 48x48, 128x128 and 256x256. With the help of this icon you will be able to regulate your website on daily basis. It comes in different size and shape that you can choose. If you want to know more this icon then you can get information online about folder icons and its funtions.
Color icon is of two types True color and 256 colors. You can easily save icon in various formats like BMP, GIF, PNG, CUR, ANI, EXE, ICL, DLL, SCR, IL, NIL, DCR, RES, OCX, VBX, DPL, and BPL. You can compress these folders to RAR archive and Zip. Every website designer and web developer always looks for methods to make the site looking gorgeous and this can only be done with file icon. These icons are Vista Compatible and for other applications.
Icon is not only designed to store it in your local hard drive, but has the power to run in the online arena. With the help of color icon, you can also design your own icons and offer your website a sleek look. Dive into the online arena and look for websites those are offering save icon options. File icon will offer great navigations features that will make your website best and running successfully.
Tags: folder icons, icon folder, file icon, color icon, save icon
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Sib Icon Editor is a power-packed icon editor, featuring abilities to work with Windows Vista icons and to extract icons from all files and save them as icon libraries. It has a knack for refining your system interface!
Sib Icon Extractor can scan your archives, folders, files and all local disks for icons. It will download icons from the Internet and customize Windows icons.
Sib Icon Converter allows you to convert multiple digital images and photos to Windows icons in one action. It also breaks down entire icon libraries into individual icons.
Icons for medicine and chemistry: ambulance car, snake cup, pill, tablet, tooth, phial, syringe, test-tube, skull, bones, molecules and others.
Icons for online trading: hand cart, money, pill, sum, drug, music, radio, PDA, web-camera, mouse, calculator, certificate, delivery, help, globe and others.
Junior Icon Editor is an easy solution to icons-editing needs. The program supports True-Color and 8-bit icons, imports and exports PNG and XPM images and, basically, provides guidelines to a fresh look of your desktop!